Raleigh Locksmith Service

Serving Raleigh/Wake County and the Research Triangle since 1981

Latest Locksmith Scam

Locksmith scams have been prevalent all over the country for several years, and Raleigh Locksmith has felt the brunt of the scam in our area because our name causes these scammers to want to impersonate us.

Yesterday, one of our new customers told us that they have resorted to other tactics.  She called a locksmith service for a quote.  They asked for her address during their conversation.  She gave it without thinking, but did not arrange for their services.  Ultimately, she decided to use our services and scheduled an appointment for the following day.  When we arrived the following day, she said that they had come, too!  They were in an unmarked truck and came unannounced.  She realized what was happening and sent them on their way.

The lesson here is to be wary of giving your complete address until you have decided on a company and are scheduling an appointment.  When a company gives a quote and asks for the location, give a major crossroad close to your location.  This will allow an accurate quote and still protects you from the scammers.

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